Unit Data
Classification: Power Mantis
Type: Praying Mantis
Primary Mission: Infiltration
Secondary Mission: Interception
Power Plant: DHI (Dynasty - High Integrity plant, Generation 3)
Chassis: 102
Crew: 1 ( pilot / minimal rank requirement: Captain )

Length: 13 meters
Width: 6.5 meters
Height: 11.6 meters
Weight: 25 tons

Land: 160 KPH
Air: MACH 3.5
Orichalcum-charged power cells vent their pulsing green energy through wings and claws when the Power Mantis undergoes stressful activity, but when not attacking it is virtually invisible in thick foliage or along cliffs in the dead of night.  Aside from its ability to penetrate enemy territory with relative ease, the Mantis can jet into the sky and reach speeds up to MACH 3.5; fast enough to intercept almost every aerial Zoid currently in use.  It cannot, however, remain in an extended air battle as it uses tremendous energy reserves.
As thick, tangled jungles began to engulf much of Zi’s surface due to the enrichment of what soil and ash had settled following the collision with the comet which caused the events of Chaotic Century, an old form of warfare began to reemerge that had been forgotten in the blasted deserts.  Nyx had found itself overgrown in several key coastal regions, and surveillance suggested that Helic would become a dense region in the years to come.  A Zoid was required to carry out stealthy reconnaissance of Helic and Zenebas as well as intercept the deadly avian Zoids now used heavily by those countries.  The first of a new breed of prototype Zoids, the PZ-102, was tested extensively in secret bases in the Guylos Dynasty before a deadly production model was authorized by the throne.
Though it has the stout black metal armor of its fellow Dark Force Zoids, it has the lightest of the bunch, so it must rely on evasion rather than direct combat. The very form of the Power Mantis seems to deflect some sensor systems and slide by others; a hole in space.  It also has tremendous agility and respectable land and air speed due to its deocalchum-processing engines.  It can dart out of the path of a Koenig Wolf sniper round at half a kilometer by reacting to the muzzle flash.  Against another insect Zoid, however, the Power Mantis has nothing to fear.
Though lightly armed compared to other Zoids, the Power Mantis manages to retain a lethal arsenal.  Standard from the prototype, the DHI-102-P production model retains the rear-arc weapon configuration seemingly inherent with mantis Zoids.  These in addition to the obviously deadly claws. 

75mm Particle Bolt Cannon (x2) – Abdomen mount, 180° rotation, rear arc
A pair of 75mm particle bolt cannons are the sting of the Zoid, dealing moderate to heavy damage when fired as a unit, but with only medium range. 

30mm High-Sped Autocannon (x1) – Back turret mount, 300° rotation, 30°  inclination, rear arc
Atop its back, in the standard configuration, is a 30mm high speed autocannon, primarily used to intercept incoming missiles.  This gun is mounted upon a ball turret, giving it a broad field of fire.  Its engineering is such that it cannot fire when line of site is blocked by the Mantis' wings.

25mm LR Laser Cannon (x2) – Back mount, 180° rotation, forward to rear arc
Added to the arsenal on the full production type are a pair of back mounted, long range 25mm laser cannons.  These reach over the Mantis’ shoulders into the forward arc, making the Power Mantis the only full sized assault mantis Zoid with substantial forward firepower.  The cannons can swivel from front to rear arc as needed, providing even heavier firepower.

Hardened Alloy Scythes – Limb mount, integrated construction, forward arc
Finally, the 102-P is equipped with some of the most terrifying claws mounted on any Zoid.  The speed and power with which the Power Mantis can slash with them is horrifying; it can eviscerate a 75-ton opponent in literally the blink of an eye (1-80th of a second).  Further, the mantis can also close the claws about an enemy and slice a limb like a hot knife through butter.
Parts List

Power Mantis

Saber Tiger

Gun Mount
“Black Lightning” it has been called.  An invisible force of death flashing into view only as it strikes, and then it is too late.  The DHI-102-P Power Mantis is, measurably, the most lethal insect Zoid ever employed by any of the three great powers.  It is the fastest in the air, the most agile on the ground, the most heavily armored and the most heavily armed.  It is also one of the most temperamental.
The Build
The first time I glanced at the Power Mantis I thought, "cool!  It's about time they came up with a bigger mantis Zoid!"  But then I looked over the colors and the rubber-band action, the Blox, and thought, "maybe not."  Then, one day, I decided to take a picture of one and run it through Photoshop.  Suddenly it had very real potential!  It also helped that there was a sudden glut of inexpensive ones on eBay.  So, I picked one up, threw it together, and stuck some extra guns on its back.  Once it was painted up it looked quite menacing, and my custom labels really made it look good.  Power Mantis became a part of the Dark Force, and took its place on my shelf.  Maybe I'll do more to the matis one day....
Power Mantis
The first full production
model of the Power
Mantis lost the test-
site coloration in favor
of a coat of Dark Armor.  The Orichalcum venting only glows brightly during especially powerful manuevers, making the Mantil virtually a black void unless in flight... or making a kill.
AI-2 Profile
Similarly to the DHI-026 Angstmorder, the DHI-102-P Power Mantis is stealthy and sly until it engages the enemy, then it flashes into violent action.  For the most part the Mantis is plodding and methodical, its thoughts kept silent as it ever seeks for targets.  Conversations with one are few and far between, and nonexistent in the presence of an enemy.  Those pilots who have attempted to bond with their Zoids have found them to be single-minded; focused on the hunt
Power Mantis
There are currently only
four of these upgraded
Zoids in service.  Even
though the DPZ-102
is more durable and has superior battlefield survivability, the DHI-102-P is so efficient at what it does that the Empress has commanded funds to be directed toward more needful projects.
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